Saturday, August 22, 2009

John Waters, let's be friends.

I feel like drag queens have more fun than normal people. Well, OK, they probably deal with lots of bullshit from homophobes/sexists/overall bigoted types of all kinds. But like, they get to dress pretty. And I'm superficial enough to find that respectable.

Plus, the "Project Runway" episode that focused on drag queen culture, "Good Queen Fun," was so interesting, especially because it seemed like Tim Gunn got a legitimate kick out of it. And he is charming.

Anyway, I'd probably wear these things if I pursued that line of work. And was a man. I feel like that's a kind of important prerequisite that I can't fulfill ... oh well.

Lime Crime Eyedust in Heartbreaker, $11.99

Taffeta Prom Dress from TopShop, $100

Larissa Velcro Strap Sandal from TopShop, $145

P.S. If the links to the TopShop gear don't work, it's because their website is janky as fuck and sometimes just takes you to the mainpage for no reason. Sucks.

+ Photos courtesy of ModCloth, TopShop

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