... No one punch me. HYPOCRISY FUELS MY LIFE, OK? I can't help it.
Anyway ... so Kristin's back and she's dating Justin Bobby but then he stood her up and didn't come to Brody's surprise birthday party that Jade threw and then Lo and Stephanie found out Audrina was going on a date with Justin Bobby's best friend Derek and then Kristin told Stacy the bartender that she's not taking any of Justin Bobby's crap and then next week Justin Bobby tells Audrina that no one was more important than she was to him and Kristin thinks about breaking up Brody and Jayde so that she can date him again and Stephanie and Lo continue to sit around and get paid tens of thousands of dollars to do nothing.
Phew ... no mention of Heidi and Spencer, see? AT LEAST I'M TRYING.
Oh, and also? Looks like Lo and Kristin will have at it in a future episode.

I know it's scripted, alright? I just love it. LOVE IT'S FAKERY. Kind of like enjoying fake tits, but without all those awkward sexual sensations.
+ Photo courtesy of OMG! Yahoo
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